Cambridge soundworks ensemble manual
Cambridge soundworks ensemble manual

These speakers have been with us in all our houses, throughout the chapters of our lives. I am not a listener with genius ears, but I appreciate good sound and good value.

cambridge soundworks ensemble manual

It was partly Henry Kloss’s ideas from which, a few years later, the Japanese audio industry took its cue and rose to predominance. Later he founded KLH, the first company to produce compact components and to make extensive use of transistorized circuits. Kloss advanced prevailing standards of speaker design with such classic innovations as the original Acoustic Research and Advent loudspeakers, which were among the first bookshelf speakers capable of wide-range sound. During the 1950’s and 60’s – the gestation period of modern audio technology, Mr. One would tend to distrust such a proposition if it came from anyone less reputable than Henry Kloss, a hallowed name in audio history. If you don’t like it, send it back within 30 days, and we’ll refund your money. Now a new approach to speaker shopping is being promoted by a manufacturer who says, in effect: Buy my speaker by mail, sight unseen and sound unheard. These days, of course, most consumers buy speakers without hearing them first. It was relatively inexpensive compared to big-name brands, and it was being sold direct to consumers, without retail stores in the middle. Developed by audio legend Henry Kloss, this was a breakthrough in the way quality speakers were marketed. This week another of the venerable audio components is retiring, significant not only to us but to the history of audio electronics.Ībove is an ad from exactly thirty years ago, introducing the Cambridge Soundworks Ensemble Speakers. It was a sentimental moment, since it played such a role in the soundtrack of our lives. Note: A while back I wrote about replacing an audio receiver after many years ( The STR-AV1010 Is Dead ).

Cambridge soundworks ensemble manual